Mr. Moco came into this world in 2005- on my sister and brother in law's wedding day- they didn't get him for a while after that-but it was a significant day for them. Half Chihuahua and half Jack Russell Moco was an adventurous little pup. Very smart, he learned a whole slew of tricks with a 5-pc nugget meal- just the right incentive. He was a master escape artist- in and out of the house and very nimble- he was able to jump the baby gate. He was a grumpy little bugger when he wasn't around his mom and dad- always looking for them when we babysat him- but sweet as can be and always willing to get a belly rub.
Moco, his sister Lula and cousin Randy were having a sleep over in Jen and Casey's backyard while we celebrated the 4th in Park City. The little trouble makers dug their way out of the back yard and unfortunately poor Moco got hit by a car. It breaks my heart that this sweet dog was hurt. With the extent of his injuries, the most humane thing was to put him to sleep- which they did with Casey by his side.
Moco was loved and will be missed greatly. Luckily his sister was returned by a neighbor- she had been running wild in the neighborhood. Randy is too scared to run and Jen's next door neighbor was able to coax him into their house where they kept him safe and were able to call me (my number is on his chains).
Please, if you have pets- chip them with current information or have up to date info on their chains and make sure they are wearing them- even if they are just in the back yard. You never know when it could be your puppy.
We love you Moco!