He is 75% for height and weight but has a big ol' head! He loves tummy time now and is aaaaalmost rolling over. With the help of gravity and a squishy bed he can do it as of two days ago but I don't really count it because it's mostly his own weight pulling him down :)
Because his head has a flat spot where he favors one side we have been doing everything to keep him upright. I got him a Baby Einstein bouncer/activity center thingy- He was terrified of it! Sat in it and cried like we punched him. I've been slowly getting him used to it every morning and he is starting to get the hang of it
That hair is starting to get out of control! Somewhere along the lines of life, my Grandma told me that you aren't supposed to cut a baby's hair until they are a year old- I don't know why and no one can tell me the real reason- Now that my Grandma is gone I can't even ask her. Several Hispanic friends of mine have heard the same thing and everytime I ask they say they waited until a year to cut their kids hair---????
Tried Google-ing some shiz to find out and people are weird about their kids hair. Some say cutting it before a year gives them 'bad hair' in a lot of South American cultures they actually shave their infants heads so that they get 'good hair' and all kinds of craziness... I guess I'll never know why but I'm going to try and stick it out for a year, We'll see how that goes.