I know that it is a poor excuse to say that I've been busy... but that's the truth.
We had Dominic's 1st Christmas and two days later his 1st birthday. I can't believe my little furry blob of a baby is 1.... and even worse; He's 14 months now.
He currently has 7 teeth, with one more making our lives miserable at the moment. He has had his first haircut- even though I held out as long as I could. He is my love and I'm his for now.
He says so many things, Mom, Dad, Dog, Woof, No, This, That.... and one that Grandma gets credit for, Oh Shit! It's hard not to laugh at him while saying "Yep, OH SHOOT!" Please Lord, don't let my kid be that kid.
He has been crawling like a mofo, he even has different modes. Straight up regular crawling for carpet and this hybrid crawl/kneel for the hardwood or tile. He looks like a drunk peg-legged pirate but he does it so he doesn't faceplant it on the slippery surface.
He eats everything, not a picky one at all, Thank you Jesus!
Went through a rough sleeping phase but luckily a $20 white noise machine with a projector has made the bedtime routine a fun one now.
This kid is a music lover, fo sho. His favorite songs right now are The Big Bang Theory theme song, Mony Mony and Uptown Funk. Anything with a strong bass line, accordion or horns will also bring out the boogie in him. He dances solo, keeping the beat with his butt/arms. He dances with mom/dad and laughs. He plays all of his toy instruments and also all of dads- his new favorite is the keyboard and goes a little Stevie Wonder on it, eyes closed- fingers a dancin' away. I love his enthusiasm for life in general and still can't believe how lucky I am to be his mama.
The time change threw him off, but he's handling it like a champ, even though he is grumpy from a cold and #8 tooth coming in. I love him more than chocolate and he loves chocolate slightly less than me :)