Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sick as Dogs

Oh dear. As I write this I am all greasy-haired, mismatched PJs and snotty nosed on my couch.
I thought I would be SuperWife yesterday and clean, pack, make dinner and take care of my poor husband who was feeling sick. He never, NEVER complains and had come home from work since he was not feeling well- something must be wrong.
I did my thing while he rested and when he wasn't in the mood for the awesome mac'n'cheese and fried chicken I made- I ate by myself and watched a movie... When I could hear the TV in the bedroom go on I got up to go sit with him... We watched the other good Joker, Jack Nicholson, in Batman and hung out.
Then my stomach started to feel a little queasy too... maybe too much mac'n'cheese?? Nope... I had whatever he had- All of the days food made a repeat performance soon after.
Mondo was able to snooze while I made multiple trips to the bathroom and finally just fell asleep on the bathroom floor: me, Randy, pillow and blanket on the tile.
Since I was so sore from moving boxes and stuff I felt like I was dying each time I got sick- not the best way to spend the night.
Now I am sore, empty-bellied and trying my damndest to keep this Gatorade down... Curse you stomach bug!

You'll have to imagine me like this- I was otherwise occupied and unable to take
 a picture to commemorate the situation

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Road Ragin'

One thing that I do have a problem with is controlling my emotions while driving.
I hate idiots who don't use their blinker, dirtbags who won't let people in who DO use their blinkers, jerks who try to zoom to the front of the line when everyone else merged when they were supposed to... I have road rage and I am not ashamed to admit it.
The reason this comes up today is that on my way home from work today I heard sirens behind me- I looked in my rearview mirror, saw the flashing lights and PUT ON MY BLINKER and pulled over. The women behind me didn't slow down, pull over or even put on her blinker and pretend that she was going to pull over. That got me started.
Then I heard sirens again- this time a fire truck barreling down the road behind us... same thing- everyone else pulls over except Princess HasNoBrain- so this time I honked me horn, leaned out of my window, and violently jerked my thumb to the side of the road.
Now this may seem a little extreme but let me tell you it was nowhere near where I felt when she gave me the "I'm a dumb girl and I don't know what I'm doing" look and lifted her hands up towards the air. If I could have pulled her nappy head through her windshield I would have. I'm sure one day Mondo will have to bail me out of jail after seeing me beat up some old man for crossing a double yellow line- but seriously people, the lines are there for a reason!!

I also had to share this since I seen it and find it hilarious- please visit the site- download your own pdf version of this card and leave it for those a-holes that are ruining parking lots as well. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cake or Death

(If you understand this post title, you have excellent taste in comedians :D )

For my birthday a friend of mine paid for me, my ma, her, and my sisters to take the Wilton cake decorating classes. I was stoked, I always envision every craft/hobby I start will uncover some hidden talent that has gone unnoticed these 26 years... I could be a cake decoratin' fool!
... or just a fool :)
That shiz is not as easy as it looks.... case in point:

That is two hours worth of teacher assisted cake decorating... at least it looks like a cupcake right?! I have never been able to frost a cake... but by God I WILL learn to do it!
At least it tasted bomb :D

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Well Said Sir

You don't have to believe what I do, but your beliefs can't trample mine.
You can't dictate what I can and can't do based off of your beliefs.
Equality for all
...and I did read it in his voice :D

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Snow Blows

I love when it starts to snow and fifty people on FB feel the need to post "It's Snowing!!".... I am like 'Really?! Damn, I thought those were cotton balls'
 I don't like the snow, yes I realize I am in the state of the Greatest Snow on Earth... so what?! Doesn't mean I have to like it. I get cold, have to shovel this shiz amd people drive like idiots the second the flakes start to fall.
If I had my way we would skip winter amd go from beautiful crisp fall to beautiful chill spring.
From the first flake falling until Spring has sprung, I pretty much dress like this:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Crappy Halloween

Since I wear OR scrubs to work... this is the best I could do for Halloween. Next year I am taking the day off and going all out :D