Friday, January 3, 2014

Hoping, Wishing, Waiting

On our appointment for the 19th of December my midwife informed me that I was already dilated to 4cm, 90% effaced and the baby had dropped in station. I had been having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions but we were still so surprised.
After Armando picked his jaw up off of the floor, Stacie said, "We could have a babe by the end of the weekend!"
She also mentioned that my Group B Strep swab had come back positive. I asked what this meant, she said since nothing grew out it was probably not a big deal- but since I work in the medical field it was likely just colonized on my skin because I come in contact with so many people. "I'm surprised I don't have it" Stacie said, "I'm all up in vaginas all day long!" Because I wanted a vaginal birth I would have to have an antibiotic every four hours I was in labor as a preventative measure so that nothing was passed onto the baby.
I asked her if I needed a medical reason to start my FMLA today instead of waiting to go into labor- when she said no, I asked her to change my FMLA date to start the next day, December 20th. No way did I want to go into labor in front of my co-workers or god forbid a patient.
Mondo and I were so concerned about going into labor that he didn't go back into work that night, but stayed with me. I had inconsistent contractions thru the night, they never got closer together and didn't hurt so when it didn't happen that night I spent the next day at my parents house hanging out with them and counting the minutes until this little man made his debut...
It didn't happen.
And then it didn't happen Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday... Christmas day or the next.
Every day brought texts and calls from my parents, sisters and Armando while he was at work. The Christmas season is one of his busiest times and I'm sure the stress of a very pregnant wife who could go into labor "any moment now" wasn't helping. I finally stopped calling him at work because everytime I did his employees asked "Is it time!?" when they realized it was me.
When we showed up for our 38 week appointment on Thursday Stacie seemed surprised that we had made it through the week- so were we.
I asked her about stripping my membranes, separating the bag of waters from my uterus- "Oh, I did that last week. I can do it again though."
This time I was dilated 5cm, 95 % effaced and baby boy had dropped yet again.
We went out to eat after our appointment and pondered when this kid was going to show up, I just prayed he wouldn't stay until his original due date: January 5th.
I was okay with letting him come in his own time, but ever since our midwife had said he could come any time now- I was really looking forward to him being born- it was now making me anxious.

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